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On the Sufi Path: Irving Karchmar's interview


Irving Karchmar has an M.A. in Philosophy from DePaul University in Chicago, and has worked on such varied magazines as Hustler and the American Bar Association (ABA) publication, Human Rights Magazine.

Between 1977 and 1985, he was editor and publisher of Fantastic Films magazine .

In 1986, Karchmar won the Trade Magazine Press Editors Award for his work with the ABA's Barrister magazine. In the same year, he published his first book, It Was Mostly You, a collection of poetry.

In an email interview with Ambrose Musiyiwa, which took place on Oct. 1 and 2, Irving Karchmar spoke about his work, his writing and his latest novel, Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Tale.



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