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Автор Тема: Look behind the words  (Прочитано 3986 раз)

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Look behind the words
« Ответ #1 : 03 ЮЪвпСап 2017, 09:19:22 »
Look behind the words

Once we learn to smile or frown at any particular label, we tend to be almost blind to the things behind the label. From then on, we accept or reject them on the basis of their labels. We do not look at the individual things. We do not think we need to. We do not try to see how they work or why some people like or dislike them. We do not try to increase our understanding of them. People are not usually able to open their eyes and minds and observe clearly what is behind them. They think they know what things are like without checking. What they think they know blocks them from evaluating sanely. We in an automatic and unreflective way tend to sort out things on a basis of their labels. Only open eyes and open minds will mature us and make real human beings out of us. The snap-judgment attitude with its dogmatic certainty is a disgrace to a human being.
"Голова должна быть открыта для восприятия, но не настолько, чтобы вывалился мозг". © Карл Саган

Tags: words labels meaning 

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