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Автор Тема: Gurdjieff and Love - just a short-cut  (Прочитано 11955 раз)

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Re: Gurdjieff and Love - just a short-cut
« Ответ #2 : 14 ШоЭп 2008, 05:40:48 »
Interesting. Thank you!
Monday, November 2nd, 1936—A great day.  When I arrived at his flat he opened the door himself.  I said at once: “I am in a new body.”  The light from the sitting room fell full upon him.  Instead of withdrawing, he lent back against the wall.  Then, for the first time, he allowed me to see what he really is—as though he had suddenly dropped the mask that he is obliged to wear.  His face was stamped with a goodness that embraced the whole world.  Transfixed before him, I took him in with all my strength, and experienced so deep and painful a sense of gratitude that he felt the need to soothe me.  With an unforgettable look he said: —“God helps me.”


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Gurdjieff and Love - just a short-cut
« Ответ #1 : 22 ФХЪРСап 2007, 06:14:58 »
From the aboundance of what I red from the site mentioned in the dead thread http://sufism.spb.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?p=42298&sid=3c86710efad2fc0e68f1992125b145c3#42298

I was really astonished while reading this very article. То make a long storey short: a lady was real bad in her health and Gurdjieff did something so the lady was quite allright and up and around, so to say. (It's quite an ambigiuse story, though. I stopped reading right where I quote below)...The MS Word .doc file 61 kb. here:
Monday, November 2nd, 1936—A great day.  When I arrived at his flat he opened the door himself.  I said at once: “I am in a new body.”  The light from the sitting room fell full upon him.  Instead of withdrawing, he lent back against the wall.  Then, for the first time, he allowed me to see what he really is—as though he had suddenly dropped the mask that he is obliged to wear.  His face was stamped with a goodness that embraced the whole world.  Transfixed before him, I took him in with all my strength, and experienced so deep and painful a sense of gratitude that he felt the need to soothe me.  With an unforgettable look he said: —“God helps me.”


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