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Re: Need to find the story
« Ответ #2 : 29 ШоЭп 2010, 03:39:49 »
Museum Piece (1953) // Автор: Джон Кристофер (для скачивания этого произведения в Сети нет).


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Need to find the story
« Ответ #1 : 06 бХЭвпСап 2009, 00:55:07 »
I wonder if someone can help me find a book, or actually, a story, that I red some time back in the past. It’s from a collected stories science fiction book, in English. Published ~ in 1980-1990, white glossy cover, comments in Russian. The first story in the collection was Isaac Asimov`s “Take a Match”. Then there were some other stories I don’t quite remember, like there was a planet where any metal could not last long, for it slowly dacayed . And the expedition from the Earth came there by some accident and they realized it quite too late, and it meant they’d never go back, or something.
The story I’m looking for is about a planet where Earthlings came and they found native people (inhabitants) very strange. Like they were absolutely absent to anything and – calm, no feelings outwards or likewise, as it seemed, peaceful – and there was kind of a museum in the place the native people used to visit. And. The cosmonaut – the person in the story – goes to the museum, and he walks up the ordinary stairs like in any museum and he comes up to something – some … structure. Or a cube – or anything one can imagine. This `thing` was so…can’t find any words until I’ve red this story again. He finds it astounding, to say too much and to little.
The story could be called “A Museum” I guess. If you recognize the story, I’d like to find out the name of the story and who the author is and maybe I can find it on the Web. For, so many things show up on the Web lately.


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