Более склонны чрезмерно влезать в долги те люди, у которых есть нереалистические, связанные с трансформацией, ожидания относительно приобретаемых объектов:
- покупка изменит то, кем он является и как люди его воспринимают
- покупка будет способствовать лучшим отношениям с другими людьми (покупает дом, потому что тогда у него будет больше друзей)
- от покупки будет веселее (more fun)
- он станет более эффективен
[Видимо, та же публика, что попадает в секты :) ]
* Transformation of the self is the belief that a purchase will change who you are and how people perceive you. This is commonly held by young people and people in new roles. For example, a woman interviewed for the study wanted to have cosmetic dental surgery because she thought it would improve her appearance and self-confidence.
* Transformation of relationships is the expectation that a purchase will give someone more or better relationships with others. For example, a woman interviewed for the study wanted to buy a new home because she thought it would enable her to entertain more often and make more friends.
* Hedonic transformation implies that a purchase will make life more fun. For example, a man in the study wanted a mountain bike because he thought it would give him more incentive to get out and go on "an adventure."
* Efficacy transformation is the expectation that purchases will make people more effective in their lives. For example, some study participants wanted to buy a vehicle because they thought it would make them more independent and self-reliant.
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