"Этичная собака" (англ.) Поиск истоков человеческой морали в животном мире.
Моральные качества в связи с важной активностью - играми.
Четыре правила, которым должна следовать каждая хорошая собака )
1) Ясность в коммуникации - нужно четко дать понять, что собираешься именно играть.
Communicate clearly. Animals announce that they want to play and not fight or mate. Canids use a bow to solicit play, crouching on their forelimbs while standing on their hind legs (above).
2) Веди себя прилично. Позволяй более слабому или социально находящемуся ниже рангом иногда выигрывать.
Mind your manners. Animals consider their play partners’ abilities and engage in self-handicapping and role reversing to create and maintain equal footing. For instance, a coyote might not bite her play partner as hard as she can, handicapping herself to keep things fair. And a dominant pack member might perform a role reversal, rolling over on her back (a sign of submission that she would never offer during real aggression) to let her lower-status play partner take a turn at “winning”.
3) Когда виноват - признай это. Иногда во время игры можно причинить вред. В таких случаях надо извиняться.
Admit when you are wrong. Even when everyone wants to keep things fair, play can sometimes get out of hand. When an animal misbehaves or accidentally hurts his play partner, he apologizes—just like a human would. After an intense bite, a bow sends the message, “Sorry I bit you so hard—this is still play regardless of what I just did. Don’t leave; I’ll play fair.
4) Будь честен. Те, кто продолжают играть не по правилам, подвергнутся остракизму. И это уменьшает их шансы на выживание.
Be honest. An apology, like an invitation to play, must be sincere—individuals who continue to play unfairly or send dishonest signals will quickly find themselves ostracized. This has far greater consequences than simply reduced playtime; for instance, Bekoff’s long-term field research shows that juvenile coyotes who do not play fair often end up leaving their pack and are up to four times more likely to die than those individuals who remain with others. Violating social norms, established during play, is not good for perpetuating one’s genes.
Справедливость, игра по правилам, может быть понята как инструмент адаптации, позволяющий поддерживать социальные связи. Это формирует стабильное сообщество, способствующее индивидуальному выживанию.
Fair play, then, can be understood as an evolved adaptation that allows individuals to form and maintain social bonds. Canids, like humans, form intricate networks of social relationships and live by rules of conduct that maintain a stable society, which is necessary to ensure the survival of each individual.