«Монотеизм» современного Зороастризма: In living Zoroastrianism he (Sraosa) is invoked accordingly more often than any divinity except Ahura Mazda himself. (p.226)
«Теория монотеизма» самого Заратустры: Despite the wording of these lines, which indicate that Asa and Armati are not numbered among them, some scholars have sought to identify the Ahuras here with the Amesa Spentas of Zoroaster’s own revelation, seeking this to maintain the theory of the prophet’s strict monotheism (the Amesa Spentas being then treated merely as aspects of God).
There is no evidence, however, to support this interpretation, for nowhere else is the term ever applied to any of this group of divinities, or to any lesser yazatas other than Mitra and Vouruna Apam Napat. (р.225)
«Лучше не переводить…» On the other hand, the origin of most of the yazatas as pagan divinities and their position stile as begins
worthy of worship in their own right, makes them
more than the angels with which other monotheisms have bridged the gulf between man and the Deity. In general, it is probably best, therefore, to leave the Zoroastrian word yazata untranslated, to represent a concept unique to this great faith. (p.196)
Veneration – благоговение, культ, поклонение, почитание. “…there is not the smallest piece of evidence to suggest that his proclamation of one original Godhead led him to deny the present existence of other yazatas, lesser created beings according to his revelation, the servants of the Lord, to whom
veneration should be duly accorded. (p.225)
Огнепоклонничество, Бог Огня с сотоварищем)): Since the 19th century view was that Zoroaster rejected all rituals
except contemplative
reverence for fire… (p.216)
reverence 1) а)
почтение; почтительность ;б) глубокое уважение; почитание; благоговение 2)
поклон, реверанс
2. гл. 1) почитать, уважать, чтить ; 2) благоговеть,
преклоняться For Zoroastrians this is therefore a feast of the resurrection, an equivalent of the Christian Easter (…) , but it is also consecrated to fire, for its dedication is to Rapithwina, the spirit of summer noon, who, personifying blazing heart, is the helper and associate of Asa,
lord of fire. (p.224)
«Как-то так говорил Заратустра», или Финал-апофеоз: огонь побеждает мировое Зло: …the evil will be purged from the world. Then
fire and Airyanam Yazad will melt the metal in the hills and mountains, and it will be upon this earth like a river. Then they will cause all men to pass through that molten metal… And for him who is righteous, it will seem as if he is walking through warm milk; and for him who is wicked, it will seem as if he is walking in the flesh…through molten metal.” (версия hard)
Who is in charge here? The seventh creation,
pervading the others, is fittingly in charge of Asa, personification of the principle
which orders and regulates the world. (p.211)
Mary Boyce